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This is it, Laura thought. This is when he saves me. This is when he realises it's all wrong, that I'm not a slut, that I'm being abused, that....But what Daniel did instead was step forward. push Laura to the ground. lie on top of her, and slide his cock into her cunt.Laura froze in shock. Her brother's dick was in her pussy. Her brother was fucking her. Her brother was *raping* her. And he was. He was pumping his cock rhythmically in and out of her, leaking pre-cum into her twat as he casually raped his sister. He said nothing, but he leant down and kissed her - almost like he cared about her, but with a kind of distance that made it clear he was just using her mouth for his pleasure.He was going to cum inside her, she knew. He was going to get her pregnant. And then she would have to blackmail him, make him stay, be raped by him again and again for the rest of her life.She wanted to struggle, and she actually bucked a bit for a few moments, before she remembered her. Or babies! Kris has longed to be a mother again since her daughters have had several of their own c***dren. Though she was now in her mid-60's, knowing that she was still fertile gave Kris much motivation and excitement to try to make more k**s, this time black k**s, in her old uterus. If by some chance this session was not successful in the creation of a black baby, more breeding attempts were indeed fully supported by the homeless shortage of seed providers as lots of homeless black men would line up to get a chance to breed a baby in hot MILF Kris Jenner! Kris' fertility window was still good and strong, and her wanting to be pregnant again at her age and wanting to grow the family more were desires she wanted to satisfy while still being able to do so. Kris felt this was a perfect way to give back to the community, and in the end both sides benefit: Homeless black men get a chance to breed in life using her womb, and she herself gets baby out of it! All of her.
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