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She unbuckled the strap-on, standing proud in brown leather cowboy boots, stockings and garter belt, her nipples rose red and erect. Resting one knee on the edge of the bed, she gave a slap to Vanessa’s rump and indicated that she was to roll over onto her back. With an expression of reviving interest, the blonde promptly did so; when she saw the strap-on in Hayley’s hands, she began to sit up and reach for it – but, to her surprise, Hayley shook her head and pushed her back to lie down again.Instead, Hayley slid the straps of the dildo up Vanessa’s legs and buckled it in place around her ass and pussy, with the plastic rod pointing vertically at the motel room’s ceiling. Then she climbed onto the bed and straddled Vanessa, lowering her cunt so that the dildo slowly entered her vagina, easing down until the full length was inside her. The blonde watched in fascination as Hayley impaled herself on the dildo, rose again on her haunches so that most of its length re-emerged, and. Immediately we went in to the highlight reel of our lives trying to catch up quickly while she was serving drinks to me and the other patrons at the bar. I remembered she had gotten pregnant our last year of school and she filled in the blanks that her daughter was just about to graduate high school. After talking for a while longer I discovered that she had married the girl’s father right after we had graduated but divorced him rather quickly. She had carried on with a string of men for the next few years and then she had married again just a couple of years back, but that hadn't lasted very long either. Her second husband had bought her a tummy tuck and her huge breast that she was very proud of and even promised that she would show me later in the evening. I hadn’t even asked. “Wow” I thought, "that's the same Teresa i remember". My friends and I left the bar just before closing heading back to my place. Teresa said she would come over and party with us later after cleanup at the.
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