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It is our first mission from the Coalition of Deities! We search high and wide for the Lintarsha Shards to restore our lost brethren and to slay Cataclysm once again!” he said in a bright and prideful manner.Tefnut took a good look at her surroundings. They were deep on the island by the Roanoke Colony. Forest and trees surrounded them. The landscape was beautiful, and the sun was shining brightly.“Hmmm...” She said, almost bored. “I will keep on a lookout.”“That is the spirit squire! Today we shall find a shard and prove that we can resemble this crystal in the name of a united group of gods of Earth! Just like my circle of dragon companions, we shall prevail and set a great and wonderful example of what gods can do!”“I am not your squire... , “ she quietly.“And for that, my great cat friend! I shall narrate this great tale! This story of how we will find a shard and lead us to respect and recognition amongst others!”“Whatever...” Tefnut said as her eyes rolled.Sárkány walked as he. She eagerly waited for that animal. Yet, it remained caged.He was in total control, she was blissfully the prey, teasingly walking back and forth in front of his confines.His touch remained gentle and slow. It was as if he tasted her flesh through his finger. Savoring each stroke as it glanced over her lips, down her nose, tracing her ear, and across her neck.Her back involuntarily arched as he traced the outside of each breast. She wanted to feel the firm grip of his strong hands cupping her exposed mounds. She wanted to feel the pinch and pull as each nipple was compressed and stretched between his finger and thumb.The lightness of his touch did not waver.She knew her nipples were firm and hard. She knew her areolas were puckered and waiting to be sucked into his hot and wet lips.But, he was in total control.His finger followed every curve of her body. She had no feelings of shame or self-consciousness with him. He had told her repeatedly that he loved and wanted her body. .
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