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They are nice and hard little nubs. "Well .. in that case .. I suppose we could. Just don't tell anyone. They'll think I am some weirdo old man." I chuckle to her. "Yay! I'll go get my brush and be right back, Daddy. You go and get it and set it up?" "Sure. But you need to eat breakfast before we start it." I tell her, which reminds her that I am still Dad."Okay!" and with that, she darts off to her room, and seconds later is back without the head towel, and carrying her big brush. She slides into her seat just as I turn the corner and go into my room. Not believing that I am about to watch a porno with my God-Daughter. I bring out the three that I have, and let her choose. One is called "Lesbian's Paradise" another is called "Making Her Behave" and the last one is called, "Three's the Way". She really looks them over, checking out the pictures on the back. Still eating on her eggs, and drinking her milk and juice, she finally says .. "Can we watch some of each of them, Daddy?" which. I was real lucky when I reached the camp—there was a Comanche guard lolling around and beating his meat. Obviously, he was not expecting an attack or even a single visitor from the other side, so I had no trouble disposing of him with a single knife thrust into his brain through his left eye. I just left him sitting there leaning his back against the large rock as if he was still masturbating. Well, I thought it was funny!I slipped into camp and headed for the horses. The Comanches were sure to leave if they had to chase their horses. Chasing off horses wasn't as much fun as killing Comanches, but it was a hell of a lot easier and quicker way to get rid of them. I managed to kill the guard on duty at the horse picket line, so I knew that I would not be bothered for a while. It took quite a bit longer to do, but it was a lot more certain way to get rid of the horses if I went down the line pulling off the halter and slapping the horse on the hip. Sending them off individually like that.
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