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??Is he a virgin???No idea about that but even if he’s not, a 17 year old will probably in too much of a hurry to do a good job of pleasing anyone but himself. See if you can teach him to give you an orgasm.?She was waiting for the door knock, the apartment lights were dim and she had wine and some light food ready. When she opened the door, she saw a young man about 6 feet tall and 180 pounds. He probably played a lot of sports.He saw an older woman – not bad for her age – 5 feet, 5 inches, about 110 pounds, tight figure hugging jeans with curves in the right places, tight sweater bulging nicely, long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Too old for his tastes but she’d be a nice armful.?Come in, you must be Alex, I’m Ruth.?She led him to a 2-person sofa and poured him a glass of white wine. ?This is Chardonnay. It’s a popular white wine and goes well with cheese and olives and chocolate. Try some – I think you’ll like it.?After a time, she picked up a piece of chocolate and put it. They got high, and then kevin sucked daves dick and dave licked kevins ass. At one point dave asked if kevin would fuck him. While kevin was grabbing a tube of lube, dave pulled up his pants, grabbed a baggy full of weed and ran out of the house.Obviously kevin was pissed. He was like hey if you don't want to suck and fuck fine but don't fucking steal from me. I agreed that wasn't cool especially since he was so free sharing his weed. He laughed and told me he didn't even like to smoke when he started, he just got some because some young guy he was trying to nail wanted some. Now he couldn't really get horny without it.As we smoked and talked i asked him if he liked having his ass licked. He said it was the best thing ever and we should try it. We got the poppers going again and took turns sitting on each others faces. I liked getting that close to his hairy ass, licking and kissing the edges and tongue fucking the hole. I loved the smell. After he had his tongue crammed up my ass i.
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