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He told her good evening and she responded with a ‘Good evening’ of her own. As she wheeled the cart into the suite, she observed that another man was seated around the mahogany coffee table. ‘Put the plates on the table.’ The man instructed. ‘Oh wait I’ll have my glass now, I’m so thirsty.’ He added in an after-thought. ‘You wouldn’t be thirsty if you’d kept your mouth shut.’ She quietly said. In one fluid motion, she withdrew the pistol from her pocket, turned off the safety and squeezed off two rounds, one to the chest and head. He fell with a barely audible ‘thump,’ the look of shock and horror still on his face. As the second man rose from his seat at the coffee table, he was killed in a similar manner. She shot them once more for good measure, retrieved her handbag from the cart, and discarded the maid’s outfit. She locked the door and left. She quietly rode the elevator to the lobby and left the hotel. She walked to her car, got in and took another phone from the glove. But right between his legs was a largecock, and judging by its erect status, was fully functional. "Oh, yes.You're not upset that I did this, are you?" No. I love this new body. Much more excitable and nubile than my oldone. Besides you're not totally unchanged yourself."Tim helped her up and over to the full length mirror on the back of thebedroom door. Julia looked at her image and was greatly pleased. She wasstill the same, just "tuned up". Her body was now as svelte and athleticas it had been when it was 15, while retaining the physical maturity of her30 year old self. Looking at them in a mirror, her breasts weren'tactually larger, but now stuck straight out from her chest, as though 20years of the effects of gravity had been erased. She looked great.She was about to say something to Tim, when she heard a familiar voicecoming from the guest room, saying, "Tim, where are you?" Who is that?" Best to just show you."Tim walked her to the guest room. There, sitting up in.
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