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”“She wants to fuck him?”“We’ll soon find out.”“I’m Wendy,” she smiled at him.“Hi, I’m Barry.”“Nice to meet you, Barry.”They began to move to the beat of the rock song. Wendy knew her right nipple was likely going to show soon, and she wasn’t going to prevent it. She looked at his eyes that were making her naked. Her accented moves made her nipple slip from her opening, and she continued her sultry dance.Wendy hoped for a slow song so she could be in Barry’s arms, and moments later, got her to wish. She felt his arms caress her body to his as they began to move. “You sure seem to be having quite a fun time,” he commented, looking down at her deep cleavage and revealing a nipple.“We sure are! Dan and I have two extra wives for the weekend, and he’s having so much fun keeping us satisfied.”She could feel his hands smoothing up and down her bare back, roaming more and more. She didn’t object to one hand going to her ass while the other caressed her exposed nipple and tit.“I’m not wearing. Daphne immediately used her hands to rub her sore thighs. Lisa removed the rope between the heavy spring coil and the belt and ropes binding Daphne's tits. It allowed Daphne to stand up straight again, the breast suspension forced her previously to arch backward. She stood by herself now, with Sarah standing by to make sure she wouldn't fall over. It was quite a sight: her belt-wrapped and tightly bound tits were a dark shade of purple, her areolas more like a black-ish brown. They had pins and needles all over, most of them pushed in by Daphne herself. The fish hooks through her nipples were still pulled down by their chains and weights. Between her legs hung chains and weights as well: two connected to the flesh tunnels in her outer labia and one from the eyelet in the torture tube that was shoved up her pussy. She twitched irregularly from the randomly timed jolts of electricity that shot through her nipples, pussy and clit. "Good girl," Lisa cooed, "look at you standing all by.
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