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Once again, tears sting her eyes as the clamps are removed. He bends his head and places gentle kisses on each nipple, soothing the sting. "Go to the bedroom and place the pillows in the middle of the bed. You will remove the lube and butt plug from the nightstand drawer and place them on the bed beside you. You will them retrieve the small paddle and lie it on the bedside you as well. Then you will remove the small rope and bring it to me. You will then bend over the pillows and spread your knees shoulder width apart. And wait" She complies with his instructions and soon she is draping herself of the pillows on the bed with her knees spread, hoping they are spread to the proper width. He walks into the bedroom and stops to take in the sight. She is draped over the pillows, her bottom still pink from the spanking is high and she is very exposed. Her hands are placed flat on the bed in front of her and her blond hair is spilling down, covering her face, hopefully hiding her. With each jab Mike grunted out, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He wasn’t aware of the rough bark of the tree scraping his face and chest. Ranger Rick stopped covering Jake’s mouth and with both hands firmly gripped his waist, pounding his ass harder and faster until he was panting for breath. Jake couldn’t say a word. With each thrust he only made a sound of the breath being knocked out of him, and a moan after he sucked air back into his lungs. He grabbed hold of Mike’s cock and jacked him as furiously as he was being fucked. Ranger Rick said loudly, “I’m gonna cum in your ass. I’m gonna fill your guts with my cum. Get ready. Here it comes. Oh yeah, I’m cummming!” Since he had beat off twice earlier in the day, it was unreal how much cum shot from his dick, spurt after spurt, four, five, six times. Jake felt the cum shoot in his innards and squirt out of his ass, running down his balls. He managed to find the breath to yell into Mike’s ear, “Oh, gawd, I’m cuming too!” Mike felt the same.
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