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He applied and was accepted while serving as a squad leader in the Eighty-Second Airborne Division. He had applied once before but had been turned down because he did not have two years of college. He doggedly attended night school for three years to earn the required sixty credits.Morris Turner’s one big problem was being separated from his wife and son. Because he was on temporary duty at OCS en route to a new assignment, he had to give up his base housing at Fort Bragg. His wife was staying with her folks in Spartanburg, South Carolina, a long six-hour drive from Benning. Mo was a family man and missed them terribly. Jake mentioned Mo’s plight to Melissa as they were talking on the phone one evening during his first week and wondered if they could do anything about it. Muffy said she would give it some thought. That was all Jake needed to hear.Officer Candidate School was a great experience for Jake. His classmates were all superior soldiers and the course was challenging. The. I knew that this little bundle was not mine biologically, but I fell in love with her instantly.Before we went back to school for our senior year, Dad sat down and had a talk with us."Mike, Trish. I want you to know that as soon as you are done with school, I have openings for you in my company waiting." I don't know Dad. That will make it seem like I got ahead because I'm your son, not on my own merits." Mike, I know how you feel. I also need you to understand that as the owner, I need to groom you to take the company over someday. I can't run the company forever. I need you ready to take my place one day." You know Mike, I could handle living here. Unlike back home, the thought of no snow in the winter sounds nice."This had all of us laughing. I finally relented and told my father that we would be back once we graduated. This seemed to leave him overjoyed. I found out the day before we left for school that he was already in the process of getting Trish and me a house.Having a baby.
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