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. couples, he always slept apart from me. Don't get the wrong idea about my husband, David. He is a wonderful man, who is truly devoted to Miranda, Leah, and me. When he isn't obsessing about his latest project, he spends every possible minute with us. We go places, see things, and enjoy wonderful times together."He just doesn't do sex." Columba said like it was perfectly understandable. Her eyes showed no hint of disappointment, other than the loss of conjugal rights and her intention to be with me was as clear and normal to her as it was amazing, and unbelievable to me. She cuddled in tight, pulled my arm over her, and went right off to sleep.I was toweling off after a quick morning shower, when Columba wrapped her arms around me and said, "Your body is just covered in scars, David. When I look at your chest I feel so ashamed that you got this way protecting Joseph and me. I never told you, but Joseph was at the hospital to check on you the night after you took the three bullets. "You need to untie me. Then I want us to talk." Carissa," he said, a tone of warning, "we can talk fine, as is. Say what you need to say." He looked down at her, arching his back even as their bodies were still joined. His cock leaked the last dribbles of cum inside her."No, I can't talk to you like this. Please," Carissa said. Suddenly her eyes were brimming with tears. She couldn't live like this! Like a complete prisoner. She'd tried and tried to be patient…but no matter what she did, he wouldn't believe her. He just kept her tied up. He kept her as his virtual prisoner. She didn't want to deaden her psyche to get through this horror. She wanted…some shred of progress. There had to be something inside Anders, something good, that she could use to her advantage. There had to be a decent man underneath, or maybe despite the man he was. "Please," she said, tears sliding down her face. "I won't even leave this bed, but I'm begging you, Anders, for the sake of my sanity, if you truly.
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