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"I looked at her and sat back with a sigh. "I think I caught a mermaid, Lucille." Ohhhhhh," she exclaimed looking surprised, "Now there's a thing. A mermaid huh. Now that's a story I'd like to hear."*Saturday was usually the day to unwind. To let off a little steam. To live a little and maybe take in a movie, see a show, or dine in a favorite restaurant. Spend some quality time recharging the old batteries to be ready to go around again on Monday morning. Hell, if push comes to shove, hang on to number whatever and fuck around the clock until the lust was gone and I was able to think straight again. Having a high sex drive really did have its downsides.This Saturday found me sat staring out of my apartment window as the sun crept across the sky and the hours slowly ticked by in the background. Unwinding was the last thing I was doing right now. More like winding up as my thoughts swirled around inside my head as I tried to answer the questions they asked. The main one being what was I. Although married at the time my then wife was not at all interested in sex so I looked elsewhere.After a few weeks I was contacted by the male half of a couple interested in a MMF bi meet. The photos on their profile were good but nothing special so I wasn't particularly hopeful. However we exchanged email addresses and they sent some private pics that they hadn't posted on their public profile. As I opened the first email I was astounded. The wife was absolutely beautiful; firm shapely breasts, a tight tummy, a beautiful shaved pussy with her inviting lips protruding and a great shot of her bent over with an inviting ass beckoning me. The husband was no less impressive. He looked handsome, had a musclely torso, a decent sized cock and was (like myself) quite hairless all over.We began to exchange text messages, firstly just myself and the husband then the wife joined in. We exchanged fantasies; how they wanted my cock to be totally hairless, how she wanted cock in both her holes,.
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