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She asked, "What's that next to the computer?"I replied, "It's a 3-d printer, It prints things in 3-d out of plastic. I work for one of the leaders in 3-d printing technology."Jackie followed me into the kitchen and we made dinner. As we were cooking dinner we talked about the fight she had with Scott last night. She told me that Scott loaned $12,000 to his deadbeat, d**g addicted brother to help him buy a house across the bay in Oakland knowing that every cent will go to his nasty d**g addiction and he will never pay back the money. As she told me that, all I could do was to give her a hug. As she hugged me I noticed that her nipples were erect. I didn't say anything but it really turned me on. I had been fantasying about fucking her for the last month and she moved in.As we ate dinner in the dining room, the phone rang and I excused myself to take the call in the other room, as I was on the phone with a co-worker talking about the missing 3-d printer, I took out the finished 10 inch. Jennifer sat with her lunch, a small chef's salad, and finished printing the responses, and customizing the pictures, putting them in envelopes to be mailed out Monday. She put her computer to sleep, and standing headed for the front door slinging her purse over her left shoulder. Just as she passed the library, she stepped inside, wondering what she had missed, what had she just not seen.Jennifer walked around the Library one last time, she looked around the room, waiting for something to wave at her and scream, "It's me, or I'm the next clue." Nothing did, and Jennifer rolled her eyes in exasperation and started to leave.Stopping after the first step, she turned slightly to her left looking at a shelf. One book did not fit the shelf. The other books were brown, this one was blue. It was right by the door, and the blue book was taller than the brown ones. Squatting down Jennifer looked at the title, "Justine and other stories by the Marquis de Sade" was one the spine.Jennifer pulled.
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