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Fuck me faster. Is that all you got?" I screamed out at him. His dick was deliciously hurting my cunt as it slid in and out of me, his balls slapping my clit with each thrust. He grabbed me by my hair and yanked hard on it as he pushed himself completely into me. I swear I thought is shaft was going to come out through my belly button! This motherfucker is huge, and what's more, he knows exactly what to do with it! He pulled out of me, leaned over and hoarsely said to me "Hang on to something bitch," then without warning, slid his cock into my ass. I was so fucking wet that we didn't need any lube whatsoever. I yelled out as he viciously thrust himself farther into me, holding on to my hips, so that he could better pump himself into me. I'm moaning and screaming at this point, not caring if our coworkers were able to hear me through the thin walls. I felt myself getting close, so I held on to the table with one hand, then slid the other one down between my legs. I took turns between. As she ran, she angrily wiped the tears from her face and swore no one would ever make her feel that way again. With this thought she ran even faster, and didn’t see the cat. Suddenly she was tripping over it and was lying in the middle of the road, elbows pounding from skidding across the pavement. She saw the headlights just as she started to get up. Robert: ‘ Damn! ‘ He yelled as he stepped on the brakes. He had come within inches of hitting the girl in the road. He quickly got out of the car. ‘Sure, run me over and finish off this day! ‘ She was yelling as she got up. ‘ Misty, is that you? What happened? ‘ He asked shocked that it was her. She had picked herself up and was still yelling as she walked away from him. He quickly caught up with her and stood in front of her, putting his hands on her shoulders to stop her. ‘ What happened? ‘ ‘ Move, just leave me alone! ‘ She yelled, pushing him and trying to get around him. Having left his headlights on, he could see her elbows were.
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