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Rubbing her clit Lil said, where was I. Oh, yes.The gifts had all been opened, toys played with and dinner finished, we were all sitting in the living room watching television when the phone rang. Where was I, Pam asked. Sitting on my lap, Lil said with a look of frustration. Out of the blue the phone rang. The Martin's invited your mom dad and me over for drinks. I told them to go ahead and have fun, I'll stay home and watch you. Circling her nipple with a finger Pam said, you're such a good aunt.While they were dressing to go out I sent you up for your bath. I put my nightgown and robe on, then check on you. I really wished you came with me Pam said. Chuckling Lil said, I wanted to, but how would it look. Anyway, you had just stepped out of the shower when I came in, your skin was so shiny and pink from the hot water. I loved how it felt when you started drying me, Pam said. To feel your hands on my boobs, down my back to my butt. Kissing Pam Lil said, your pussy was so warm when I. Maria may want to go to the Catholic Church if there is one there or near there."Etta was with me, enjoying the sea breezes, and told us, "There is a little Catholic Church there. Pastor Carlman is good friends with the priest of that church. Our congregation feeds their homeless and hungry the same as the ones who go to our church."Sam told us, "Maria doesn't ask to go to church, but wanted to go before we moved to D.C. She thought she should go to church and pray for it to be a good move. The local priest in Tampa married us, but told me that even though the marriage was legal and fully sanctioned by the Church, he wanted me to do some classes so I could become a good Catholic. I don't think so since those were the people who pushed us around on the reservation and then abandoned us when we had the flu epidemic. At least Maria understands how I feel."Sam was feeling talkative and said, "My mother always believed in God and used to pray for all of us. She said God would guide me and.
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