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The furniture, the fireplace and the painting above the sofa all looked the same. The room was familiar, but the circumstances were different. Yes, it was the aura that had changed, not the room.And the man who awaited her was also familiar... in the most intimate ways. She had spent hours kissing him, touching him, tasting him. She knew every curve and crevice of his body... the soft parts and the firm ones. She knew the feeling of him thrusting into her and his wetness between her legs afterwards. Yet, like the room, he seemed different tonight.She knew things were going to be different, even if the room and her companion were the same. Tonight they would take their relationship into a new dimension, for tonight she would submit to him as never before. Her confidence in herself and her trust in him had finally melded with her curiosity about the realm of domination and submission.She wanted to know what it was like to let herself go, to let him have control of her sexuality, to let. That big butt of his had snared him many a handsome suitor but none as fine as this fit young man that was about to bury the bone. When at last he felt Rudy’s warm cockhead rubbing through his lube slickened valley Herr Heinz let out a loud groan. He just wanted that thing inside him so bad! But the young guy had other ideas, teasing him to within an inch of his desire. Herr Heinz began moving his arse about, like he was doing a horizontal booty shake, desperate to snag that beautiful cock. On his third attempt he succeeded and he let out a contented sigh as Rudy’s cock slid into his chute and began the slow, sensual glide home. Herr Heinz was blown away by how Rudy fucked. There was none of the wham, bam! urgency he would have expected from a young man. Instead, he took his time, keeping the pressure up until Herr Heinz’s ring relented and let him have full access. It was Rudy’s turn to moan out loud now as the heat of the big man’s arseguts enveloped his overheated cock. Lying.
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