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” As she took this in I was able to observe her, noticing with delight that she was still wearing the sexy red shoes from this afternoon. As I’d taken a leisurely bath I’d been fantasising about those heels wrapped around my neck; they’d were a real turn on. She wore a lovely dress of see through lace over a fairly tight satin underdress to above her knee. Her scarlet lipstick and the red heels acting as bright full stops at either end of a very sexy body of black sensuality. I was impressed. “Haven’t I seen you somewhere?” she asked, still standing by the door. “Maybe” I said, walking across and closing the door, ensuring that the ‘do not disturb’ sign was facing out, ‘but I hope you’ll agree to see a lot more of me tonight.” Inwardly cringing about the cheap quip I took off my raincoat and with my back to her bent to pick up and pop the cork on the champagne. I poured two glasses and turned to hand one to her. She’d come closer to me and accepted the glass. She was smiling coyly.. Bill came over to me and asked me what was that all about but I didn’t answer. He asked if I wanted to do some coke with him and hang out. I have to admit I was tempted. I wanted to get high and forget what was going on but said, “No, I needed some space.” It was a cool spring day and I just wanted to walk around the village and be alone. I felt good about the recording session and some of the gigs coming up, still, Ben’s words I’ll be your pianist but I won’t take your bullshit kept going through my mind. Then something happened when I was walking through Washington Square, a really amazing park where people played chess and kids climbed on the statues and all kinds of characters hung out. I was sitting on a bench and saw this old couple, holding hands, walk past me. They must have been in their seventies or eighties and I imagined them being together for fifty years. I could feel their love and it made me think of the romantic songs I loved. I wondered if they had hard times,.
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