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Things were getting worse!“How am I supposed to live like this?” He kicked a rock, sending it flying off the trail, bouncing off of a tree, and ricocheting back to hit himself in the forehead, knocking him out cold.He awoke a few hours later, groaning as he sat up, he was in a bed. Rubbing the large knot on his forehead from where the rock had hit, trying to take in his surroundings. It was a small bedroom, the bed took up most of the space but there was a dresser near the door. He was still dressed, and a damp washcloth was nearby, it must have slipped off his head.“Are you awake? I found you out on the trail.” The voice was that of a woman, he sighed, probably another future baby mama.“Yeah, I’m up. Thanks for helping me, but I really should get going.” He said, standing up and looking for his shoes.“Nonsense, you might have a concussion, at least let me examine you.” She entered the room and it was worse than Milo thought, she was absolutely stunning.Long black hair cascaded down. Although she learned that Joseph had not recognized her, she felt a guilty pleasure knowing that her father was dreaming about the woman he had seen that day.On Friday after work, Joseph decided to stop at the video store to rent a few DVDs for the weekend. As he passed the shelves of children's films, he chuckled to himself, remembering how many evenings he and Farrah had spent on the couch when she was a child, watching movies like “E.T.,” “Honey I Shrunk the Kids,” and “Home Alone.” Moving into the “action/adventure” section, he chose a film and was reading the box as he moved toward the “comedy” section. He nearly bumped into a pretty young woman who was standing there, reading the titles of some movies. Startled, he dropped his DVD box.When Farrah saw that Joseph was about to run into her, she panicked. “If he touches me, he'll freak!” she thought. “He'll probably go right through me!” She turned, ran around the corner, and disappeared.As Joseph stood up with the box in.
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