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He handed the thing to Rachael as it began to play. She stood still, almost frozen to the spot as she watchedIt was a street, she struggled to tell where then she caught sight of a distinctive Florida car plate. It appeared to show a number of excitable men jabbering in their native tongues sat in a car viewing a house across the road. Rachael’s suddenly felt sick“Oh God!” She knew this house.The camera picture jumped and dipped inside the car as a woman came into view. She was early thirties, blonde pleated hair wearing slacks and a jumper. She had two kids who she hurried down from the house to the family SUV.Rachael looked at Mobana as he nodded then back to the film of her sister taking the kids on the school run.“Your sister is very attractive isn’t she?” Mobana said, Koko folding her arms looking smug as Rachael’s face grew paler and paler.The SUV sped off and the camera jostled as the excitable men got out of the car and hurried to the house. They were looking for a way in and. Without breaking stride, Ciarra pulled down an enchanted belt pouch and coin purse, and passed them down. Soon they were followed by enchanted tools and other equipment.Arms overflowing, ears twitching in amusement, I had to run to one of the shopkeepers, placing everything on the counter in front of him, I warned him that she was just started. Preemptively putting a stop to any concerns he might have had, I stacked a dozen nobles gold coins on his desk, just so he knew she was serious.Darting back to My Queen, I acted as her mule. She loaded me down, and I’d drop everything off at the counter then run back to accept more. It was almost as though she planned on purchasing everything in the shop.Two firestarters, the best set of lockpicks I had ever seen, a dozen crystals enchanted with eternal light, magnifying glass, coil after coil of silk rope, several candles, torches, a very expensive stack of parchment, ink, several quills, two mirrors, several mining picks and shovels, a dozen.
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