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" Mr. Sayers? Why would a guy be in the girl's bathroom?" the unknownwoman asked."Beats me, men are weird," Lily replied.I grimaced as I heard the knock upon the door. "Mr. Sayers, are you inthere?" I heard Lily ask.I said nothing, hoping that they would just leave the office or atleast use the men's room instead. My hopes were quickly squashed.Lily said, "The cleaning girl must have locked it by accident. Hold on,there's a key to it in my desk."I started to shake. I knew that I was about to be found out. Still, Ihad held out hope that she somehow misplaced the key, and I would berelieved from the horror that would surely befall me.I listened closely through the door and heard Lily say, "Oh, here itis."I heard footsteps approaching the door. There was no way out. There wasalso only one stall so I knew I could not hide in there. I knew that Iwas either going to open the door or Lily was going to do it for me.I took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling as I turned the doorknob. I. .. him... uh whatever?" Is long story. Let narrator tell it."Yes, well it seems Pottsylvanian scientists had developed a new type of ray gun which, when directed at a victim, changed his mind and body chemistry to the opposite of what they once were. The ray gun was tested on mindless Pottsylvanian peasants. The results were thoughtful citizens. Of course, thoughtful citizens begin to ask questions and form independent ideas. They were declared counterrevolutionaries, lined up against a wall and executed by a firing squad. The weapon was deemed a success.Washington politicians were considered likely targets until someone pointed out they were very much like mindless Pottsylvanian peasants so it was decided to go after America's scientists instead. The first victim was to be that most eminent of researchers, Dr. Albert Bierstein. Boris and Natasha were assigned to do the dirty deed. They tracked Dr. Bierstein to one of his crowded after-hours haunts. Boris took aim at his target but.
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