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So one day, my boss lady and I went in to start cleaning up the dust and move the stock around. The room once was a security room, and so it had one key, the one we had. Now the boss lady, name is Ashley was not the typical hot chick there, more like a nice looking redneck. She was skinny as hell, hair was brown but always a mess, and she just wore simple clothes. On the scale she was 5 maybe a 6, but she was in my number range. We could talk and talk, and I half joked with her that we could play around and no one would know about it. Ashley took my joke, and whispered in my ear, that a good fuck would make more sense then just playing around. I turned my head and looked right at her and thinking about it. Buzz, buzz and Ashley phone rang, then after she answered; she had to leave. “keep working and I'll be back later” Ashley said as she walked out. Ugh, but this is were my mind and daydream took over.As we stared at each other, I moved in for a kiss, my lips touching hers. Once we. Bill and Sue took Annette.Sharon greeted them and she blubbed. As she hugged and kissed Richard the tears started but when she embraced Deborah the howls started. She pushed Deborah away from her and stamped her foot in irritation."Stupid bloody woman," she growled at her self. "Making a stupid scene." She flicked her head and then took Deborah by the shoulders. "Take no notice of me. It's just that I love you both so much." And we love you, darling Sharon," answered Deborah and kissed her.Sharon's eyes filled again with tears but she managed a defiant "hmmph" and marched off to the kitchen.The rest of the families straggled in. Sharon brought them all champagne plus fizzy drinks for the teenagers. She then joined the party.Edward banged on the table and everyone fell silent. "The custom," he said, "is for the bride's father to say a few words. Sadly, Deborah's father has passed on so I hope she will allow me briefly to stand in for him."Deborah nodded vigorously."Luckily for her,".
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