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I gently sucked and licked and swirled my tongue around the sensitive underside of his big cock. I listened to him breathing harder and lifting his hips up. I slowly took inch by inch of his thick cock in my mouth until I felt it begin to slide down my throat.I relaxed and let his thick cock slip deep into my throat. I swirled my tongue around as I brought my head up. My lips wrapped tightly around his cock. I reached over and opened the cooler and put a piece of ice in my mouth.I held his cock and let my saliva drip down on it and I began to pump up and down on his shaft. When I took his cock in my mouth he jumped at the cold ice in my mouth. I held the head of his fat cock between my lips as I pumped his cock in and out between my wet lips.I began to suck harder and harder as my hand pumped rapidly up and down his thick cock shaft. His hips began to buck and I moaned and shook my head indicating I wanted him to cum in my mouth.I felt his fat cock swell and then burst after burst of. Marc watched amazed at the whiggling bells while pushing his cock back into his trousers. "I like what you did to her cunt. It works like a chastity belt, you know?" Marc said to Sam."Sure I know, that's why she got the rings. This is my territory, so noone can enter it without my permission," Sam explained to Marc. "Plus, I can hold toys in place, as I did today." He added with a smirk, as he watched to Mary. "She used to take them out when she meant she had enough, that's for what the lesson is today."Mary blushed in embarassment as she heard the last sentence. Wait... Did he say 'is' or 'was'... She shivered anxiously as she got, that her lesson maybe has not ended yet. And as if the loveballs wanted to agree, they began to vibrate at mid-speed. Mary moaned and whiggled on her kittybed. Noooo.... please.... i can't come again, she thought to herself."Cumtoy? How often you came while I were away? You know I wanted you to count."She could not give an answer to that. She lost the.
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