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I tried to meet all of the passengers in order to match faces with names. Almost impossible to remember the first time around. There were the Walters and the Jordans from Los Angeles. And the Kramers and the two other singles, Steve Winfield and Jimmy Sommer, from Portland. And the Talbots from Seattle. The Talbots had an older daughter with them that was the living definition of ‘eye candy’ and she knew it. She must have been in her early to mid twenty’s and could have been featured in a Playboy or Penthouse magazine spread. She was gorgeous. Not sleazy. Not cheap looking at all. She just oozed sex appeal! The two guys from Portland didn’t have a chance. In fact, they were in deep ‘flirt’ when I tried to introduce myself to them. I might have taken up the chase myself but she was a little too young for me. Besides, she had Winfield and Sommer drooling all over her already. Actually, it turned out to be kind of hilarious to watch Winfield and Sommer. As I introduced myself,. "As you know she is a psychologist and I very much wish to know what effect mother-son sex would have on the son and his future sexual relationship with other women. And surprise, surprise! She started by telling me that she and Craig had intercourse already for the last two years. I wouldn't want to go through with you all the psychological "pros and Cons", so to say. But whether or not it was her personal opinion on the subject she told me that she did not find anything wrong with having sex with Craig." I took her blouse and bra off and started to kiss, lick her face and neck and fondle her breasts and rub her nipples. "Then, I pointed out that when she had sex with Craig he was twenty-eight, had already married and had divorced his wife. That her mother-son sex with Craig wouldn't matter that much to Craig psychologically. But you Jason has not yet married and is only nineteen. I wouldn't want to mess things up for you?" I rubbed her tummy and pushed my hands into her crotch and.
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