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My bosses name is Andy. He’s a pretty good looking guy. My hubby, Charles, has always said that if I get the chance I should take it. However, when I don’t have a screen and keyboard between the person I am talking to I really am quite shy. The thought of me flirting with a man at work is scary. I do much better in situations where my Hubby is along with me, or where I can chat with the person in private over the internet or on kik or something.Andy was a bit older, I think he’s around 55. Old enough to be my dad which made me want him more. He’s got greying hair and all things considered a pretty good looking body. Andy was and still is a great boss (I still work there and for him). Andy had been having a hard time at home and I knew it but didn’t know why. He would say things like “Just having a rough patch at home.” When I asked why his eyes would look red or why he would look so tired. One day Andy, for some reason, singled me out and offered to take me to lunch. Free lunch with. Robotic arms are a dime a dozen. Jerry and Terri are pushing some limits on weight and motion, using a rotary screw made up of composite balls in a tube with threads and a shaft with more threads. The hand at the end of the arm is an old design, so they’re doing speed and precision trials. I don’t worry about those two.Rachel’s working with Vicki on academics.Derek’s out doing research on commercial lawnmowers, bothering one of Henry’s yard guys. The yard guy’s been told that first, this is part of the job, second, there’s a stipend for being part of an R&D team, and third, prod Derek into a bit of exercise in Spanish.Yes, we’re a bit free about spreading a little money around. We find that people are a lot more likely to help if there’s an idea that there is payment for the aggravation of having a twelve year old boy ask questions about why you do things and HOW you do things.For the munchkins, though, the last couple of hours of this day are devoted to Mizz Lee, our Teacher.
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