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That got some clapping and cheering as the boys were obviously enjoying the show. After a little more dancing, she slowly unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down a little, giving them a look at her pink thong bikini bottoms. Then she tugged on the shorts, causing them to fall to the ground. She stepped out of them and danced a little more before turning around and undoing the string holding her top on. She pulled the top off and then cupped her tits in her hands before turning around to face the crowd. She teased them a little more before removing her hands and letting her large breasts free. This got even louder cheers as the boys were getting more excited. As she danced around some more, she pulled down the corners of her thong. She was really teasing them and when she started, she thought that she would not remove her thong. But the sexual energy had taken over and she turned around and bent all the way over as she pulled her thong down to her ankles. She pivoted her hips back. I closed myeyes tightly and knew that there was to be another lovely surprise.Sitting in the bubble filled bath with my eyes tightly closed I feltCandy get into the bath behind me.Candy said I could open my eyes and she pulled me towards her and I feltsomething push against me. I felt behind me to see what it was and Iturned around to see. It was a cock and Candy said, "Aahh my sweetie youhave discovered my secret, do you like cocks?"I said, "I haven't really thought about it, I do love my own cock beingsucked."Candy said, "Yes we know, but wouldn't you love to suck another person'scock?"I said, "I'm not sure."Candy said, "Wouldn't you love to return the favour?"I said, "I guess."Candy said, "So how about sucking on mine, it so needs a suck?"I said, "Can I do it after we out the bath?"Candy said, "That's fine sweetie."Candy began to bath me and we sat facing each other and I loved seeing helovely breasts and cock. She began to bathe me and invited me to helpbath her too.I loved it.
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