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His interests include fencing, usually with a saber, throwing pottery and gardening. The gardening includes both flower and vegetable types. He has won prizes both for his roses and for his tomatoes. Oh, and he has an eye for the ladies, especially the long legged variety."With the mask in place and the litany of his attributes and likes described the guest straightened up, began to grow slightly, fill out more and his hair darkened to a blond cast. He was directed into a changing room where costumes were available, several with the name Malcolm labeled on them. As he departed the attendant turned to the next guest."I'm sorry Milady, you may not enter. Only these people are allowed inside tonight, which one do you wish to be?"This guest chose to be Deborah and as the mask was attached she was informed of the likes, interests and attributes of Deborah. After she had changed to match those features she was directed to a changing room with a choice of several costumes for her character. Stop, she told him. People can see. I want you so bad he told her. I don't think I can wait 20 minutes. Well you will have too she told him, giggling as she moved his hand. She had to admit that the kisses were turning her on and she wasn't sure she could hold out either. She leaned back against him feeling his hard cock pressed against her. She knew she shouldn't tease him but couldn't help herself. She moved her ass against his cock slowly grinding until he let out a low moan. She couldn't believe how wet she was getting and thought maybe she should have worn panties tonight. Only 10 more minutes she thought just as they suddenly braked and the car went dark. Fortunately most of the people had been through this before so no one panicked. There were a couple of gasps of surprise as some people probably lost their balance and a few curses about how the city needed to get these damn subways fixed but that was about it. Some people took out their cell phones so that it wasn't.
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