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" Zoey sent a stuffed animal flying towards Mack.Mack ducked out of the room before it could hit its target, calling out,"Bimbo!"Zoey then followed her normal routine. Well, her normal routine beforehaving met Simone... er Lance. She had tried calling him all day Sunday,but nobody answered. Not even Lance's dad. She left a message on theiranswering machine. "Hi Lance, I'm really sorry about last night. I needto talk to you. Please call me back."Lance never called back.She considered meeting Lance at his house to pick him up, but figuredthat was the last thing he wanted.Zoey got out of her car and started walking to the school when she raninto Peggy. "Hey girl, what's up?" I'm good," Peggy said with a smile. "The house is cleaned up. My parentsdidn't suspect a thing. How is Simone?"Zoey sighed. "I tried calling her all day yesterday. And leavingmessages. No response." I'm sorry, Zo. Do you think she's coming to school?" I hope so. Normally I pick her up. Where's Dee?"Peggy grimaced.. The male introduced himself as Robert & that he would he staying here for a month or two. He asked me to show him to his room, my sisters' room, I picked up his case & dashed up the stairs, not naturally behaving like a girl, he just stood at the bottom of the stairs watching me. He slowly climbed the staircase & I then went into my sisters' room. It had changed, the dressing table, full length freestanding mirror & even the pink lamp shade had gone. A small table had been placed in the room, so I put his case on it. I turned to face him as he stood in the doorway. "You're a very pretty little schoolgirl in your summer dress." He said still blocking the doorway. I felt a little easier. "Yes your a right cutie in that girls' school uniform." He added, closing the bedroom door. He couldn't take his eyes off me. "Thank you you pretty little thing." He said moving to sit on the double bed, only then removing his hands for his trouser pockets. I walked across to him to leave the room, my.
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