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She was always quiet and shy when out in public or around people outside her immediate family. Her mother worked as a nurse in the local hospital and her father was a truck driver who was frequently on the road. I lived in the neighborhood and watched Christina grow up over the years. About the time she turned 14, her body started to fill out and nature worked on shaping Christina into a statuesque young lady. Her flat chest started to grow, her skinny hips started to take on the curves of a model, and her skinny arms and legs became shapely and womanly. About this time she also started to attract the attention of the boys in her school and neighborhood. She was still very shy, but that didn’t stop the boys from doing what boys do at that age. Christina was too shy to get involved with the boys but you could see that she liked their attention. LinkThis behavior continued all thru highschool with the boys vying for her attention. By 18 Christina had now grown to a stunning 6' tall. I stop and she climbs on the bed. I take some lotion on my hands, I massage her legs and 'accidentally' brush along her wet pussy a few times, her head is thrown back. She's as horny as I am. She's moaning pretty loudly now. I feel her pussy with my hands, so smooth and soft. I run my fingers along the crack of her pussy and ease it in and out of her glistening entrance, fingering her, speeding up as I go. She's so wet, her come is dripping off my fingers so I dive in, licking her clit. I give long hard strokes with my tongue and finger her as she did to me. Her pussy tastes so sweet, I'm lapping it up. She starts to move her body in rhythm with my fingers fucking her and then she comes loudly, thick white blobs of come all over my hands. I do it again, just as she teased me. I suck on her soaking wet clit and finger fuck her as hard and fast as I can go, she explodes, coming everywhere, inside my mouth. I swallow loads of her come and it tastes so sweet, so naughty. She gets up and.
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