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Davies.”“You're an amazing student,” I groaned. “Just... fantastic.”“Oh, you're just saying that because I licked your cock,” she said. She giggled, a winsome, girlish sound that only made my dick throb harder. She released my cock and seized her breasts. “Since you like my tits so much, I thought I'd do this.”I groaned as she sandwiched her tits around my hard shaft. It was incredible feeling her pillowy breasts surrounding my aching cock. My dick throbbed between her wonderful mounds. They were soft and warm, her skin silky smooth. Her nipples pressed into my shirt. She smiled up at me.She slid her breasts up and down my cock. I'd always wanted to experience a titty fuck. I added this fetish to her, editing reality to one where she enjoyed using her big tits like this. She pressed her breasts around my shaft and slid them up and down. Pleasure spilled through me. “Oh, this is as much fun as I thought it would be,” she groaned. “Your cock feels amazing in between my tits.”“I bet,” I. “Joe, I never knew that would feel so good. Do it some more?”I did as she asked, making her squeal like a little girl. Wait, she is one!She knew enough to push my face down into her pussy. She was enjoying herself as was I. My tongue was making her giggle while she was orgasming on my dick.I pulled away from her pussy. She was twisting her own nipples while I had been munching on her.I moved to her nipples replacing her fingers with my lips.“Is everything all right in there?” Mom asked.“Sure is, Mom,” I answered.“OK, have fun!” We heard her laughing.“Joseph, would you please fuck me now?”“Not a problem,” I said, moving myself into position.First, I gave her a nice kiss. She kissed me back pulling my face into hers. I put myself at her entrance. She was so into our kiss, I just pushed inside her. Our kiss didn’t even slow down as I slid all the way inside my youngest sister, completing my intermediate goal of fucking all the women in my family.She broke off the kiss saying, “That feels.
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