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You won't be the firstgirl they pierce know." I do need a girl's name, though," I said."Well, have you thought of one you might like?" I don't know," I said. "I'm not sure if it matters." Would you like me to pick a name for you?" she asked.I laughed. "Did you have any ideas?" Have you decided?" the blonde girl behind the counter asked."Yes we have," Lisa said."Very good. I have the waiver all ready, and this shouldn't take morethan a minute or two." She looked at the earrings Lisa had selected."Oooh!" she exclaimed. "Those will go so nicely with your blouse!Where did you get that blouse, anyway?"I looked at Lisa. "Lisa bought it for me," I said.The girl looked back and forth at us."I got it at Banana Republic," Lisa said.The girl nodded. "Well, you look very pretty. Lisa has excellenttaste." Thank you," I said.She looked at me sadly. "Now I do need you to sign this waiver. I'msorry," she said, glancing at Lisa, then back at me. "I'm also going toneed to see. Probably because I'm not sure what your reaction will be when we eventually see each other again. My memories of you are all so positive. I've dreamed of you many times over the years, and sometimes those dreams have caused me to wake up in a cold sweat. My god, but you turn me on so much. At last I check in at our chosen hotel, and the receptionist tells me that you have already arrived and that you have our room key. I make my way to the third floor and walk down the corridor to our room. A sign hangs on the door saying "Do not disturb" and I quietly try the handle and slide silently in to the room. My pulse is off the scale and I feel like I'm doing something terribly wrong. The curtains are drawn and the room is in partial darkness, but I'm still able to make out your shape lying under the covers in the king size bed. I sit on the edge of the bed and stroke your cheek and pull your hair back behind your ear. You are breathing deeply and evenly and quite obviously in a deep sleep..
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