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It was cold so we got a duna out and cuddled under it. Suddenly the sex scene came on and my cock started to stiffen. I could feel it slowly starting to grow towards my sisters hand which was placed just above my belt. My cock was expanding quickly, I had to think of something.. to late, my cock stuck its head out from under my belt and head butted my sisters hand. She jumped a little. Then removed the duna and looked down at my throbbing member. She licked her lips and started to undo my belt. I didn’t know what to do… I was stunned at her reaction. “Its not just all my friends that want you” she said as she pulled off my belt. She then pressed her soft sweet lips to mine as her tongue darted into my mouth. Our tongues felt like they were almost dancing with each other. She placed one leg either side of mine and undid the rest of my pants, but never breaking the kiss. I slid my hands slowly up her warm back as our tongues made love. I undid her bra and threw it to the floor, then I. I have been reading ISS for quite long and have wanked off myself in number of occasions. I even surf ISS in my mobile and masturbate in toilet back to story. I’m normal built guy with average looks and bit protruded belly but people meeting me admire my humbleness rather then spending praising words for my body. I work for prestigious institution which has ample opportunity of meting people from different aspects of life. And my work requires traveling time and again internally and internationally. I used to run a youth based program aiming on development of leadership. I was once called to be interviewed on the radio for the campaign I’ve been running on my own. During the radio program I talked about what will be the role of youth on that campaign, how could they participate etc. Towards the end RJ asked me how the youths could be in touch with me. So without thinking much I gave my mobile number and email. Hey friends I hope you are still reading. I’m 26 that at that time and.
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