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My aunt nacy(not real name), the same i mentioned earlier, was sitting on the toilet n shitting. Man she was fully naked n i could see her full nude body. She had huge boobs like melons. Though it was sagging. It was a treat 2watch. My 1st time in life i m seeing a nude woman.. I was excited. I continued peeping thru the key hole.a few words about her. She was my moms youngest sister. She was of darker complexion unlike my mom or her other sisters. She was short, had lots of fats around her figure. Was not great looking but alas i never bothered .she was friendly with me like all other cousins .after her shitting session was over, she got up. Now i got a view of d MOST SACRED part of her body. It was a thick mound of hair surrounding her pussy lips. Sadly i could see those lips due 2 this BUSH.. Now she started 2 take bath.she was applying soap all over her body. On her boobs, back, neck, pussy etc. She took extra care to wash her pussy though.. I was getting a huge hard on n could. He turned her to face him. Then he handed her the pin. ?Put this through your pussy lips for me.? Wow, I thought, he’s going to make her pierce her own pussy lips. She widened her stance and bent over to see her pussy. She managed to hold her vaginal fold well enough and she jabbed the pin through. ?OOOOWWWW!? ?The other side.? ?I can’t, I can’t,? she wailed, ‘it hurts too much! Please don’t make me.? ?Do it.? It took a few tries but she managed to pierce the other side and lock the pin in place. Blood dripped on the floor. She stood with thighs spread, slightly bent, face white with pain. I think I came again. What followed was a blur of abuse and humiliation for Diane and multiple orgasms for me. He suspended her by the wrists again, went outside, and returned with a thin willow branch that he used to beat the shit out of her. Her marked her back, ass, tits, stomach and thighs with ugly red and purple welts, beating her.
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