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" Well I can't go out looking like this," she rubbed herself down.Kath stood up. "Bill and I may get going as well," she said.I looked at them both. "Are you two..." I said pointing to them both."Together?" Bill said. "Yes we are." Fancy that," Lisa said. "Another couple." She kissed Kath before they both sauntered off into the shower. I made merry with the bowl again for only a few minutes and went back out to the bar to find that Kath, Lisa and Bill were all dressed and ready to go. "Come on mate," Bill said with a laugh, "Get dressed, the cab will be here soon."I hurriedly threw all my gear on before I went out to the bar. Lisa was casually stroking some guy's cock as she watched the scene on the TV."Do you mind if Bill and Kath come with us?" she said."Umm not at all," I looked at my watch. It was nearly 10.00. "The night is still young."Later that night as I sat on the spare bed with my spent cock wilting on my left leg, I watched Lisa lying on her back licking my cum out of. Strangely enough, the thought of taking him to the dirty bookstore was turning me on. By the time he came out, I was starting to look at Mark in a different light.That was the end of things for a couple of weeks, but I often found myself thinking about him and wondering if he was curious.As luck would have it, a friend of mine came running up to me a few days later with some gossip. Apparently, one of her friends, while helping Mark move to another room (he and his roommate were not getting along…no big surprise, Mark could be obnoxious) had come across a stack of Playgirl magazines. I laughed but in the back of my mind, I knew that I would take him from magazines to the real thing.Two weekends later, my parents (who lived about an hour away) were going out of town and they had asked me to watch the house. As I had said before, my parents had some money and their house was a large home on a lake and they owned a beautiful boat. I decided to invite Mark to the lake house for the.
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