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Bud's Bar do it for you?" You bet."As we drove away from the gray stone walls I thought back to what put me there. It was a divorce. It was a very, very nasty divorce; an event you would never have imagined on that beautiful July day when Amy walked down the aisle toward me on the arm of her father.Amy and I were a pair since the second grade. There was no doubt in any ones mind that wouldn't end up married. We were forever. It was a storybook romance that was supposed to have a fairytale ending – "and they lived happily ever after" – attached to it. We agreed to wait until after we had graduated college to get married and we also agreed to hold off on having kids until we were thirty. We wanted to go places and do things before we settled down.It wasn't all 'pure story book' of course. Twice, once in eleventh grade and again in our sophomore year in college, Amy felt that she should know what other guys were like. The period in high school only lasted three weeks. Amy came back and. From front to back there was a semi-opaque swath. Lace-edged and in a Brazilian-cut shape they were absolutely a feminine French design. My heart sank. "Nice -- very nice. You look cute in pantyhose."I scowled and looked around the room for my ski pants. I wanted to cover up quickly and be done. As I moved, the feeling of the material pressed against my skin was like fingers massaging -- much smoother and silkier than my $50 ones. The truth I couldn't deny was that I liked it. I didn't like the truth, but the feeling of the nylons. "Go on," she whispered. "I'm watching."I pinched, pulled the tights away from my skin, tugged upward and let it snap back. I must have done this 14 or 15 times to get them evened out -- so the opaque part was almost uniform. Finally, I tugged up on the top of the thighs and down from the waist and created a looser fold for my now pulsing cock. I looked in the mirror, turned sideways to admire my profile and adjust my sack -- making it a little less.
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