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"I don't think that at all. However, I do think that we will see trouble in the future and we should be prepared for it. This suggestion of an alliance between Izmir, Oak Hall, and Blue Harbour is one solution to the issue. It would mean that none of us will be forced to fight the Minoans alone, especially Izmir and Oak Hall. If as you believe, Izmir was spied upon by the Minoans then it is guaranteed that Izmir is already in danger of an attack as is Oak Hall. We will have to prepare to go to their aid if necessary. As for Lord Tailem and Blue Harbour, they will be a harder sell in this matter. Still your proposal is a good one and it should be pushed forward as quickly as can be." I know," I acknowledged after taking a sip of my wine. "I plan to travel to Blue Harbour as soon as these refugees are settled and I've spoken to Elsa Mueller and her people. I have plans for them and Oak Hall and the sooner I discuss it the safer Oak Hall will be." You have plans, you say?" Lord Barnabas. My parents thought Abbey was great; she was always very polite when she came round and I think they were just glad that I had made such a good friend and was settling in so well. Sleepovers around each others houses became a fairly regular thing quite quickly. We used to do each others hair and makeup, watch movies, talk about clothes and boys, the usual stuff. It wasn't until a little while later that I noticed Abbey had gradually become quite 'touchy feely' with me, hugging and holding hands a lot. I never really thought anything of it, some girls are like that and I was comfortable with it. We had only really known each other for a short time but were already fast friends. In fact, looking back now I don't mind admitting that I think I felt a small buzz each time she flung her arms around me, but at the time I never lingered on what it might mean. If I'd had a sneaking suspicion at that time that Abbey might be attracted to me, or even bisexual, I never asked and she never told..
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