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Night before I had driven my beloved hubby to the airport, to catch a fly out of town, for a boring business trip; but Victor said he would come back home on Monday.I stepped out of the shower to dry my body. I had the house to myself for a couple of days and everything would be peaceful…I just put on a white cotton thong and a long camisole. I then went downstairs for a cup of warm coffee and sat on the kitchen bench.As I finished my coffee, I began washing the dishes from the night before. As I stood there, my thong started to dampen, as the thought of my loving husband taking me in all fours before leaving.All of a sudden I felt two hands reaching around me and slipping under my camisole, which had already ridden up, to grasp my bare boobs. I gave a squeal of fright, as I stiffened. Then a soft whisper sounded into my ear:“Nice boobs you have here, babe…”I did not recognize the voice; but I felt a gush of moisture wetting now my thong. I tried to turn my head; but the stranger’s. Alex happily complied knowing very well what was going to happen next. Ben kneeled in front of him and unzipped and pulled down his pants, exposing his rock hard cock. Ben didn’t even touch it with his hands, immediately taking it into his skilled mouth. Starting at Alex’s balls and moving on up Ben softly caressed Alex’s cock with his tongue. He easily deep throated Alex’s entire cock to the point where Alex was about to burst. Ben seemed to sense that as he removed Alex’s meat from his mouth and requested that he try the same on him. Ben slipped off his jeans and lay across the bed giving Alex the best angle at his cock. Alex looked at it for moments, debating whether or not he could break the taboo and take it into his mouth. Ben made up his mind for him by gently guiding his head down on his cock and moaning in joy. He immediately knew why some girls liked giving head so much. The ability to give someone so much pleasure was empowering. He began to suck on Ben’s 9 inch penis with.
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