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Cassie standing at about 5 foot 4 inches with beautiful hazel eyes and round ruby red lips smiled at him. He couldn’t help but notice her full set of breasts under the sheer fabric as her nipples started to get harder. This woman had a flat stomach and beautifully toned legs in a short pair of laced panties. Cassie said, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you I had no idea someone was in here.” The man replied "It’s okay I was just about to leave."Cassie walked over to the ice chest and bent over as the ice was deep in the chest. He couldn’t help but stare at her ass peeking out of her panties. He asked Cassie what brought her to the hotel. She said, “It’s my honeymoon.” "Oh okay well your husband is a lucky man to have a woman as beautiful as you. What room are you staying in?"Cassie hesitated to tell him then finally said, “I’m staying in room 302. Where are you staying and what brings you here?” as she corrected herself with the bucket full of ice. When she turned around he had. I yelped and flung myself behind a planter. Bullets whined and clipped through the air, chopping chunks off the frozen plant in the tree. Other bullets gouged off chunks from the planter.Fortch, most fully automatic weapons ran out of ammo way faster than people thinked.Hence why, after only a few seconds, the guns started clicking. I rolled out of cover.There was Lady Brando’s son.“Dio!” I snarled.The incredibly pretty blond haired linebacker with the two Uzis didn’t even bother reloading. Instead, he tossed his weapons into the air ... and then ... posed. His hand flipped up – two fingers fanning before his eyes in a V pattern. His other hand contorted upwards and pressed to his hip and he turned ever so slightly to the side. Sparkles surrounded him and I gasped, dropping my psi-sword. My hands went to my mouth, struck dumb by the raw, intense poseness of his pose. It was the most posing pose that had ever posed. His whole body flared and I trembeld, unable to move. Dio ‘hurmphed’.
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