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Well, I thought as I came at last inside Mia’s luscious twat, this couldn’t exactly hurt the genepool, could it, given how much angelic DNA was involved? The more those of us Nephilim bred, the better for us all. Clearly, the decision to reverse himself was one of Jehovah’s wiser moves, and typically, it was done toward the end of his career as a Supreme Being.Jehovah mostly got wiser toward the point of retirement, even if he had a last temper tantrum in the form of Fireball Day. To be fair, it culled the human population and various fields of human industry enough to buy the rest of Nature a chance to recover from the relentless assault of Homo sapiens on our mutual habitat. On the other hand, it made life so much harder for most of mankind that survived. Furthermore, it was a brutal bloodbath, no doubt of that, though one could still call it a form of surgery to remove cancerous tumors in the form of people.Man had indeed become a cancerous growth on the planet. No doubt of that.. Beds!Over by the window were five notably alluring girls, quite tall and athletic. They looked like twins, or quintuplets rather; all in a group, together with the Davies pair, their disruptive daughter and a sweet little blonde girl - a young girl looking barely in her teens, albeit with tits, and the only blonde in the room.‘Some hellcat,’ he thought.There was an intimacy about them: standing all together, so close, casually rubbing arms and shoulders. That Davies daughter was in front, looking steadily at him. She was still waving her blasted phone at him. Now he saw the sweet little blonde was pointing her phone at him as well! Perhaps sweet did not fully describe her either... “We’ve got the email!” the brunette fired at him like a salvo. “With a picture! All ready to go! Your death squad failed! So you have to give it up!”It was surprising the Davies let their daughter speak for them. Though perhaps that approach to parenting accounted for the bold way she behaved.He looked the.
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