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It really, really hurt. It was an unbearable burning, stretching sensation. She tried to move forward so he would slip out but he grabbed her hips tightly and held her in place. Daddy please! It hurts. Take it out. She cried desperately. Her father ignored her pleas and simply told Milo to go around to her face and put his cock in her mouth to quiet her down. A tear rolled down Allisons cheek as her father pushed in another half inch. As her father did this Milo did as he was told and buried his cock deep in Allisons mouth. He wiped at her tears and grabbed her hair in his fist so he could work her head slowly on his cock. Allison grunted as he pushed his length further and further down her throat. At the same time her father was pushing further into her ass. He was slowly sliding his cock in inch by inch. He was trying to give her ass a chance to stretch to fit his cock before he rode her with any speed. Her hole was so tight it felt like his cock was being squeezed to the point. Lysette giggled. She’d bet she looked like one of those Human Anatomy diagrams in the Biology book. A shit-eating grin spread across Garland’s face as the hot little bitch climbed out of her window. He wriggled in the fork to get seated firmly and raised the binoculars. The first thing he noticed was the view from small binos was way better than the one from the spy bird. He got a boner on the spot as he focused on her spread out shiny pink puss lips. Holy Christ! He undid the zipper of his jeans and reached in to squeeze his weasel while he peeped Lysette. Lysette was startled when Trouble went ballistic. She turned to look at her dog and had a moment of not recognizing it. Every muscle was quivering, she was leaning further out the window than Lys had ever seen her do. And the racket! Trouble snarled and growled and barked her ass off. Her ears were flattened against her skull. The possessed hound was straining forward and her lips were peeled back over her wide sharp teeth..
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