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She had made plans for the evening, but they had gone out of the window. It would be too difficult to make it home, change, and meet the date. Gillian had resigned herself to the fact that she would spend the night alone, again. Gillian was not an unattractive woman. In fact, she was good-looking, with a shapely figure. Unfortunately, she just spent most of her time at work for work and not enough for herself. Finally, the meeting finished because of the heat of the room rather than a successful outcome. Most of the men decided to go for a drink, Mary had to rush off home, so they all left quickly, leaving Gillian to clear up. She just got it done then drove home.The day was especially hot inland, which made the drive home even more of an ordeal after a wasted day. As if the head of the day was not enough, she found herself in slow-moving traffic. For half an hour, she slowly moved forward until she reached the turning, only to find there was diversion at it. She decided to move out. With that he squeezed them and played with them as I drove. Reaching over, I ran my hand up his shorts leg and grabbed is cock out of his shorts telling him it was ok to have this reaction and for me to show him how to relieve it. I stroked it maybe ten times and he came with such force his jism hit the ceiling of my car. He ejaculated a very copious amount, especially on my hand. This whole time he was still kneading my nipples and tits. I looked around to find something to wipe my sons cum off my hand, not seeing anything I just licked my cum encrusted fingers. Jess’s eyes looked to be popping out of his head, I said “do not look so stunned you have very delicious spunk”, with that I shoved the last remaining cum into Jess’s mouth. I figured he might as well get used to his taste now so that when he did have a girlfriend he wouldn’t be afraid of post fucking oral sex. When we got home, he grabbed my tit again and I had to tell him that was not acceptable unless I told him to and to.
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