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The first lesson started with how to hold the Cello. I sat her down on a stool, with no back to it, and then said that she should hold the Cello between her legs with her thighs. She was wearing her school uniform which was a white school blouse, school tie and grey school skirt. I knelt in front of her and asked her to open her legs so that I may place the Cello correctly, without hesitation Babs did as I asked. As she did so her tight cotton skirt slid up her thighs to reveal her little white school knickers. I placed the cello between her legs and told her to hold the neck of the instrument with her left hand. She could see me looking at her thighs and between her legs but said nothing. I was getting turned on.I then stood behind her and as I move to place her hands on the strings I brushed across her breast, she was a voluptuous young woman and not wearing a bra, we both said nothing. Again as I put her hand on the bow I brushed against her other breast, again we both said. I was like a puppy following her, watching her sexy bum sway as she walked, and the cute dimples on her lower back which always fascinated me. I was a bit surprised by the scene in the bedroom, but it only served to make me even more excited, if that was possible. The bed was stripped except for the crispy white sheet and pillows, contrasted by four black stockings, each secured to a bed post and trailing toward the centre of the bed. Sally patted the bed and told me to lay on my back, which was a good idea as my stiff cock would never have allowed me to comfortably lay face down. Still singing Happy Birthday to me, Sally proceeded to tie my wrists with the stockings. I watched her go about her task with lust coursing through my body. As she leaned across me, her beautiful breasts hung just above me, then she straddled me facing away to tie my ankles, the view of her satin panties straining to contain her arse had my cock bobbing up and down. I could feel pre cum pulsing up my.
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