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What was it with teenage boys that made her lose her every single inhibition? First Sean Brady and Tom French, then her son Dan and even the odious Kevin Smith, all had made her cum as never before, but now David Harris had just topped the lot of them Although Catherine had since since been aware the real attraction lay in her desire to be dominated, sexually abused and humiliated by those young men. Of the incredible sexual highs she’d achieved ever since that fateful day Sean Brady and his friend Tom arrived at her home and fulfilled what had hitherto been her wonderful wet dream fancies and opened up the floodgates of her latent sexuality.And now, walking naked from the bathroom back into the bedroom, Catherine wasn’t at all surprised to see the latest and perhaps most dangerous and exciting of all those young men lying naked on her bed. Seemingly far more aggressively dominant than his twin Mark, it had been David Harris who’d formulated and carried out the idea of humiliating. I was getting more muscle and doing more athletics and it showed. I guess she started noticing, too.When she would “flash” me before, I don’t think like she realized, but that seemed to change one summer. We started doing stuff as a family, camping, boating and the occasional picnic at the local park and I was asked to go. This wasn’t always the case. I would ask to be left out of some activities before, but this summer I was not able to skip them as readily as before. She would tell my dad “Make him come along. He should do more with the family.” I soon learned why.The first trip that summer was a camping trip to a state park with a great fishing lake my dad used to take me to as a child and catch limit almost every time. I went along figuring I’d be there to carry coolers and supplies and be a valet. That was what I did. YAY! I did however receive some excellent compensation. She wore a string bikini that left nothing to the imagination. Pale blue with tiny strings and small patches.
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