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We both went in and sat on our seats and it was less crowded and thank God none were beside or behind us. As it was a boring movie I started to touch her thighs as her dress covered till thighs when she sat I could touch her thighs and I was sensing it. And we both kissed each other for few mins and later I started to press her boobs and she was enjoying my act and she was also responding to my kiss and press.And later I thought someone would watch us we both parted and brought a stole with her and she covered herself and some of me. I didn’t know what she was doing. But later I gotta know that she was also covering my pant and she told me to loose the belt and I did and she inserted her hand inside my pant and started to stroke my dick. it was awesome feeling for me and now I couldn’t controls as she was giving me handjob and I made her lift her dress little up and touched her panty and it was fully wet by my act and I started to touch them discreetly and she was also feeling good. I let the tip of my tongue barely brush the taunt peak of your nipple. My warm breath heating it, until finally I lick and circle it with the ball on my tongue. Then I’m sucking it into my mouth savoring the feeling of rolling it on my tongue. I let the suction go to lave and run the ball around it again, breathing my warm breath on it. As I move my head to switch to the other nipple, I let my fingers take over for my mouth. I repeat the licking, sucking and rolling for the other side. I slowly move my mouth away, so that both hands are on them rubbing them against my palms. I move along your center where your breasts meet, nuzzling, slowly working my way down rubbing my cheeks, my nose and my lips all over your abs. Stopping only to lick circles around your belly button, where I start kissing my way downward along the dent where you hip ends and your abs start. I find those sensitive places, the ones that make you squirm, suck on them nibbling them until my chin runs over your.
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