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Tami would become a doctor after all. She knew about the human body, and how it worked. Tami was also very smart. It was possible she learned it herself. But how would she know it would make me feel so good if she hadn't been doing it to others. She had to have had a lover who taught it to her; and, from everything I heard about Simon, I didn't think he was the kind of person to teach her. I got the impression he would just be worried about himself. Then again, who knew? Gawd!If Simon hadn't taught her, who had? Tami broke up with me almost a year ago, which had laid the groundwork for me to be more jaded. Some other events had contributed. When Devin had broken his trust with me with Nancy, it had been a big first step. Then Peggy went off with Mitch, and promptly got herself pregnant, after holding me off for the whole time we dated. Finally, there was Harper and her old flame. I simply was not ready to accept things at face value, anymore. Something in the back of my mind told me. Then he remembered sucking her nipples...rubbing themagainst his own. It was his fault. But maybe...maybe he could finger her.If only she let his hands free."Let my hand go so I can...you know...touch you and ...ah...bring youoff..." Mitch said his voice hesitant. So soft. Feminine. It wasn't thesort of voice Gloria felt she needed to heed."Baby," Gloria moaned as she lowered herself on his lips. "I can do thatall by myself. You know what I want. Eat me baby. Eat my hot pussy. OhGod you've got me in a such a state...."He stuck out a tentative tongue. Tasted bitterness and salt. Then henoticed the pearly sheen. Shit! Cum. He had tasted his own cum from whenshe had been grinding against him! He felt like retching."That feels nice...." Gloria said. "Real nice. Mmmmmm....lick me baby.Lick my pussy."Gloria's hips began to gyrate. Rubbing her slit on Mitch's face and lips.Smearing his earlier discharge on him. He tried to protest, only to havehis mouth filled with sweet pussy.He began to.
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