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Immediately she placed her slender, rapier-nailed hand on his leg and whispered, "I feel much better now, Arnold, darling. Has anything happened yet?" But I'm not --" he tried to protest, only to be cut off in the darkness with:"Sssssh, it looks like the show is starting."As indeed it was. The lights had gradually brightened on the center of the stage, and now Steve could make out, up there, a teenage girl -- she appeared to be no more than fourteen -- seated at a vanity in black net hose, black leather boots, and a shiny patent leather suit. She was combing out her shining, long red hair, which was not flame nor exactly carmine, but rather the exact color of ripe orange rind. She had been made up with a beauty spot on one cheek, and now as she put down her comb and brush, she began to make up her lips, using altogether much more lipstick than was necessary. In moments her lips were shining a bright pinkish shade, and spilling well over her lip lines so that she had every appearance. “You wouldn’t! I’ll scream bloody murder, I swear!”“Relax, short stuff. Just stop kicking me.”Lynn settled down again, but now with her head on Danny’s thigh. Danny grabbed a small pillow and put it under her head.“That’s nice,” she purred. “Ash, your brother can be useful.”After that, Danny killed the reading lights and settled back. The monotonous sound of the jet turbines and the gentle swaying of the plane lulled him sufficiently to fall asleep.He didn’t know if he had slept five hours or five minutes when he woke again. The cabin was dark and most people around them were asleep. Lynn’s head on his thigh was moving and she was purring softly. Danny glanced to his right and saw a rhythmic movement under Lynn’s blanket. Looking closer, he saw that Ashley’s left arm was moving in synch with the blanket and he connected the dots. Ashley was busy between Lynn’s legs.Ashley’s eyes were closed, but her mouth was slightly open, and the blanket covering her lower body was moving too. The.
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