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I immediately grabbed the glass of ice water and drank it down. It was nearly empty after I finished; I poured a few of the ice chips into the broth. They melted instantly, and I dumped the rest of the ice into the bowl. I decided the Jell-O was safe. It was strawberry. After waiting a few more minutes, I was able to eat the broth. It was dull-tasting, and it didn’t address the emptiness in my stomach.I needed real food like fried chicken, and mashed potatoes, and garden-fresh green beans with bacon bits. I could smell it, taste it. Mom’s home cooking. Not my mom’s cooking, young Calvin’s mother. I was never a big fan of chicken; I was a steak man myself. But the memories of young Calvin had me drooling for fried chicken.A different nurse than the one who came to see me earlier walked into the room. She was all business and did not have a gentle bedside manner. She talked in a quick, authoritative way.She took my vitals, barely. When she went to take my pulse, I could feel she was. Luckily, she didn't catch the fact that it wasn't her husband saying it.She lifted off of me and grabbed my prick and started stroking. She leaned back and I grabbed both her pony tails and pulled slightly. "Dave, I can feel my pussy juice on your great big cock, cum for me!!!!!!!!!!!"That did it, that was all it took. I came, and MAN did I cum! The first blast shot up and it felt like it could have hit the moon!. She kept stroking "I can feel you cumming, keep going!!!!" She leaned all the way down and now her back was laying on my front and I was squirting my cum all over my mom's chest and stomach. I was breathing hard and she was panting with pleasure and she continued to stoke me. Finally, I quit cumming."I've never seen you cum so much, was it my outfit?" She giggled. "I love the way your cum feels over my body, just like silk. Feel it with me." She grabbed my hand, put it with her and together we smeared my cum, yes MY CUM, all over her incredibly tight ab ripped stomach!! I.
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