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Our guests are gonna arrive soon.”He left the room. Suddenly panic overwhelmed me. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?I felt myself precum in my panties, the buttplug deep inside my ass. Hitting my prostate and stretching my ass wide open.Amongst the fear I felt...I smiled for a moment. I knew I’d made the right choice.*I waited in Jack’s bedroom with the buttplug still in my ass. I felt nervous about what was going to happen. Was he serious about inviting other guys over? The idea turned me on and scared me at the same time. But I was tied up. I couldn’t leave if I wanted to. My ass was exposed and ready to get fucked and I had no choice.It felt like half an hour until I heard the door open. “Here she is. Fuck her all you want. She loves it.” I heard Jack say.I turned around and saw a middle aged guy with a beard in the doorway with Jack. He smiled at me, then made his way over and took the buttplug out of my ass.Jack took a seat by his desk in the corner of his bedroom. The guy. Don't worry, she's not that uptight like other rich girls. Although, she is a bit of a clean-freak sometimes." Sounds like a spoiled girl who'll be a handful to deal with."Pointing to the next, she points to this really mature looking brunette who somehow gives off MILF vibes despite looking just as young as the rest of these college frats, "That's Lisa. She's a huge tease and likes to flirt with everyone, guys and girls alike. Don't be taken in by her charms though, she's not looking to start a relationship with anyone, that's just her unique way of being friendly with people. You can hang out with her, but I don't want you to get the wrong impression and accidentally embarrass yourself by asking her out." A modern day floozy with no inhibitions or restraint about her own sexual appeal. How neat."Shelly would continue going on and on, pointing to each individual and explaining their personalities to me as if I was actually listening and taking notes, when in actuality, I've already.
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