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One boy scream the loudist. Jane asked him what he was saying. He ask if he can come to the stage and dance with her. Jane agreed and the boy came on stage. Dennis reluctantly played some disco piece. But Jane danced it like a billy dance swaying her gorgeous body while covering her breast with one hand. The boy started taking off his shirt and Jane gamely went ahead sexily dancing so close to him. The crowd were in a frenzy again. Jane enjoyed these reaction. Finally the music stopped. The shirtless skinny boy now has his hand over Janes shoulder and he clearly have a very huge erection. The boy now put both his arms on Jane and became uncontrollably provoked. He started kissing her and Jane tried to wiggle out. Some of the crew went to help Jane and the friends of the boy came on stage and a commotion followed. Jane was pulled to the crown while Dennis and the crew were pinned on stage. Since I was down stage I was able to elbow my way towards Jane. She was topless and the boy's. Then I got the oil out and started rubbing on her body trying to be sure that every square inch was not ignored. Not really even trying to turn her on, I was just trying to feel her and her me. This went on for the longest time before she said she couldn’t take it anymore and kissed me like she had never kissed me before. It was so deep and passionate that I almost came right there. I started kissing her all over licking up and down her chest, to her pussy that was so wet I thought she had came already. I dove into her soft shaven pussy like I hadn’t had access to one in years. I licked all around her clit and went down to her sweet ass lapping up all the wetness that she had running down her. I started fingering her tight pussy while sucking and licking at her clit. She came immediately, I had waited for this moment for months, it was so hot and sweet tasting. I loved the feel of her already tight pussy clinching down on my fingers as she contracted to come and to feel the size of.
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