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Oh yeah, her first name was Stephanie."Well then, perhaps a well-endowed neighbor?"Huh? I pointed to the general direction of my picture window. "Are you suggesting I call one of the women in this neighbor to come by and drop their top so you can see if I get an erection? You must be out of your mind!" I'd never seen Joy's breasts, even while fucking her. Probably bigger than her daughters'. Then it struck me. Perhaps I could turn the tables, embarrass her and end this. "Would you do it? Undress and show me your tits?"Stephanie stammered and turned red. "Really, Mr. Marcus!" It's a great idea, and economical," I continued. "Open your blouse and we'll see if that gets me up." I will not!" She crossed her arms. Did she realize that made a shelf for her tits, now uplifted and thrust forward?"Then you won't get your check-up, because I'm not going to humiliate a friend and neighbor just to satisfy some morbid curiosity-" It is not curiosity. It is your mental health we're talking about.. Her labia minora still shrouded by a dense tuft of black hair, I parted her lips with my thumbs to reveal an engorged pinkish red pussy replete with white gooey cream trickling out. My first move was to lick out all of the white cream which was met with an almost surprised, "Ohhhhhhhhh." She had an ample clitoral hood so I managed to expose her clit with my fingers and proceeded to lick and roll it between my lips. It didn't take long for her to switch into 69 position and she must have really been comfortable with me because here she was ON TOP her hairy ass and pussy in my face.I almost think she sensed how close I was to orgasm from her gorgeous, hairy and musky pussy and admirable fellatio because she hopped off and said something really funny: "Since you can find my hole in all that hair we might as well fuck." I was so turned on by this line that I cast aside any notions of using a condom (I know, stupid) and started plowing away missionary. She graced me with some reverse.
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