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Otherwise you’re going to be walking around with a boner all the time.’ Mike chuckled as he walked up beside him. ‘Not that I don’t understand, man finds a woman he loves, then that is all he has his mind on. Me and Kate, we been together for seven years now, people say that’s when a man’s mind starts to wander in other directions. Not me, I look at another woman, all I see is Kate, her smile, her laugh, her body under mine, moaning and groaning. Dad’s been the same way since he met mom, only once in his life has he slipped and that was when they had a big blow up back when it meant them going to New Orleans for my grandpa’s funeral. Dad didn’t want to go back, said he would mourn the old man in his own way. And when we left to come home, he told mom that if would be over his dead body before he ever stepped foot in that house again. He never has either.’ Bull nodded. ‘Dani told me about that, about your grandma and Aunt Jessie. She was thinking about going down this summer to visit. "Please, kin y'all he'p me? The storm scared my pa's horse an' it threw him. I'm afeared that he broke his back." Yes, Ma'am, we'll shore try ta he'p. Lead the way. We'll folllow." All three of them rode back the way the woman had come, and it was not long before they saw a man lying on the wet ground. He must be just where he had fallen, since he was not in what Andy would consider a comfortable position. He was still wearing his rain slicker, so he was not getting a chill from the wet ground.They quickly dismounted and hurried to the downed man. His face was blue and he did not appear to be breathing, so Andy was sure that the man was dead. Yes, there was no question of it when Andy bent over the man; he must have died in just the last few minutes. The woman burst into tears and Li Sun tried to comfort her, but had little success. Andy's further examination of the man showed that he had a broken neck and probably would have died very soon, no matter what kind of current medical.
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