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"Oh Wilma," Betty cried, "I cheated on Barney.A startled Wilma could hardly contain her excitement, "Come into the living room, and let's get comfortable." A moment later the two were seated on the sofa. "Betty dear, tell me all about it," Wilma said."I was driving home from mothers," began Betty, "and I was talking to my sister on the phone, when I rear ended a policeman's motorcycle." As Betty began telling Wilma her story, Wilma placed her hand on Betty's thigh just below the hem of her dress."Oh my," Wilma interrupted, "was anyone hurt?" Wilma's hand began to stroke Betty's thigh. She would move her hand towards Betty's knee, and then back up towards her crotch. With each stroke, she moved closer to Betty's snatch."No" Betty returned with a relieved smile, unconscious of her friend's touch. "There was no damage to my car, and only a small dent in the cop's bike. Anyway, he was going to give me a ticket, and I sort of hinted that I would be... well, really nice if he didn't give me. ?? She was taller, that was the first thingthat struck me, taller and I looked down.?Six inch plats.?? The tiny skirtin a pink and black pleated plaid, the too tight pink fussy sweater, the whiteover-the-knee soxs.? Her breasts bulgedinside the top, her ass on display.?? Sheminced over in her high heels, looking up at me, nervous, it was something newto see, Jaki was afraid again but this time of me.?? I opened my arms and took her into a bigembrace.?? She nestled inside and held ontight.?? We stayed like that a while, andthen Jaclyn and I went home.*****Jaki, that?s whatI call her now, is bent over my desk and I am screwing her ass.?? She is taking it like a pro.?? If she doesn?t like this, I can?t tell.?? Looks like she?s ready to creamherself.?? When we got back, I explainedhow things were going to be.? Jaclyn wasgone and both of us were going to have to accept that.? I accepted Jaki for who she was now and wouldtake care of her, and she would take care of me.?? I would take her.
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